🏠Safe Space

If you would like a safe space to talk about something, Tech Fleet has a way to help. We need your help to report violations. Use safespace@techfleet.org to submit Code of Conduct Concerns.

Email safespace@techfleet.org for a safe space to talk to someone about anything. The Tech Fleet community expects that ALL Tech Fleet network activities, events, in-person forums, and digital forums abide by the Code of Conduct.

If you are being harassed, or witness someone else being harassed or otherwise uncomfortable, or if you think anyone is in violation of Tech Fleet's Code of Conduct for ANY other reason, or you want a safe space to talk to someone about something, anything, the community is here for you. Please report a Code of Conduct concern. We protect and support whomever reports. Read through all Policies and ensure you always abide by them, and help report violations.

- To speak with Tech Fleet staff, Find us in Slack or email info@techfleet.org

- To report something anonymously, or to talk about something in a 100% safe space and be protected from fallout as long as no lives are in danger, we're here to help; email safespace@techfleet.org - If you are in danger, or experiencing a life threatening emergency, or you believe someone you know is in danger or experiencing a life threatening emergency, please dial your local 911 emergency number and report to the nearest authorities in your area.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a Code of Conduct concern.

You can report a Code of Conduct concern in the following ways:

Here is an email template you can use:

  • Subject: Safe space alert

  • Body: I am writing because of a code of conduct concern related to Tech Fleet: (NAME, PLACE, DATES OF EVENTS, DETAILS YOU'D LIKE TO SHARE). You can reach me at (CONTACT INFO). Thank you.

Read more in our Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.

Last updated